old dreams, I’m coming!

Please, don’t kill me but I decided to write this post in English. It’s easier and will be probably quicker (due to my English level). I will treat it as a preparation for my English exams but despite that you’ll find here lots of mistakes. So first of all don’t kill me and secondly I wanted to tell you something…

Yesterday I agreed to come to Norway. Yes, this cold Norway and actually to this northern part of it. I will be there for three months and I will have loads to experience. I’m so stressed and so excited at the same time. And the fact that my exams are tomorrow doesn’t help at all. Wish me luck and I will write to you soon.

I hope there will be some respond to that post and you won’t decide to leave because of English version. I will try to write as easy as I can which will be very easy for sure. Keep calm! Love ya!

13 Comment

  1. GOJU says:

    Hey! I don’t know what other people think but for me it isn’t a problem and it doesn’t bother me that you’re writing in English. Looking forward for the next post!

    1. evemarie says:

      Hi! Thanks for your opinion – it’s so precious like Smeagol’s ring! I will try to write more when I settle down in Norway but first I need to repair my computer, oh dear life… I think that I start a new blog in English and I leave that one for my Polish readers but you’re welcome to visit English one as well :D

      1. GOJU says:

        I sure will. :)

  2. Gosia says:

    Okay, so now I’m a litte bit confused. Should we write comments in English too? :)
    As for me, posts in English are even better – it helps me and my poor language skills :D
    Good luck on exam!

    1. evemarie says:

      Thanks, exams were easy peasy so think I passed (maybe :P). I don’t mind comments in English but you can write in Polish if you wish. I’m also confused if I have to reply in English or in Polish :D

  3. Prun says:

    Yeah, finally I found comment box haha. English is fine and fun. Nooorway? what are you gonna do there?
    I hope it’s not too late – DO YOUR BEST!

    1. evemarie says:

      Thaaaaaank! It’s so funny to read English comments from Polish readers :P In Norway I’m going to be an au pair… again. And also horse-ride and if possible look after huskies! I’m sooo excited, and it’s only 4 days to go!

  4. Alessa says:

    great idea with english version ;) good luck! Norway is beauty!!! :) have a good time!

    1. evemarie says:

      Thanks! I’m thinking about starting a new blog completely in English so I hope you will visit it as well! Norway is great and I really can’t wait till I get there! :)

      1. Alessa says:

        Certainly! :)

  5. uu. zazdro z tą Norwegią, może też kiedyś pojadę..
    ..jak przestanie mi się kojarzyć z moim byłym, który mnie dla niej zostawił.

    1. evemarie says:

      Achhh… Takie skojarzenia na pewno nie sa fajne… Mam nadzieje, ze szybko Ci przejdzie bo Norwegia naprawde jest warta odwiedzenia. Chociaz w sumie jeszcze nie wiem, bo tam nie bylam. Ale za niedlugo sie przekonam i o tym napisze :D

  6. Dorota Falkowska says:

    hm. wyłamię sie i skomentuję po polsku. Pisanie bloga po angielsku, to mega pomysł, ale może nie miksuj obu? Bo z drugiej strony tak bardzo lubię Twój styl pisania, który w drugim języku już jest trochę inny, więc będę tęsknić za polskimi notkami.. ; c życzę Ci powodzenia w Norwegii! :) lots love xxxxxx

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